Carrier Rental Agreement

Baby Carrier Rental Agreement

This Baby Carrier Rental Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between Timber Stitches, ("Rental Company"), and the carrier renter ("Renter")

1. Description of Rental Item

The baby carrier(s) being rented are described in detail in the item listing provided by Timber Stitches. The Renter is responsible for reviewing the item listing to ensure that the carrier meets their needs and is appropriate for the size of their baby.

2. Rental Period

The rental period is selected by the Renter and can be for 1, 2, or 3 weeks. The Renter may extend the rental period up to a maximum of three weeks by contacting Timber Stitches. Extensions are subject to availability and must be arranged before the initial rental period ends. If the carrier arrives later than the expected start date, please contact us to adjust your rental dates accordingly.

3. Rental Dates for Multiple Carriers

When renting multiple carriers within a single order, all carriers must be rented for the same rental dates. If multiple carriers are rented under the same order but for different rental dates, the renter will be responsible for an additional shipping charge. Any additional shipping charges incurred due to differing rental dates must be paid before the rental period begins. Failure to comply may result in the cancellation of the rental agreement.

4. Rental Fees and Payment Terms

Rental fees are specified in the item listing for each term (1, 2, or 3 weeks). The Renter agrees to pay the rental fee as listed at the time of booking.  Payment of the rental fee is due at the time of booking.

5. Replacement Charge

The carrier replacement cost will automatically be added to the cart with each rental.  A carrier replacement cost will only be charged if the carrier is not returned at the end of the rental period. The replacement cost may be charged in part or in full for any unexpected or undisclosed damage.

6. Maintenance and Care

The Renter is responsible for ensuring the safe use of the baby carrier(s) and must follow all instructions and recommendations based on the manufacturer’s guidelines. The Rental Company will provide general guidelines, but adherence to specific manufacturer instructions is the Renter’s responsibility.

The Renter should not wash the carrier during the rental period. All carriers are washed using Seventh Generation Free & Clear or unscented Soak detergent between bookings. If the carrier needs to be washed during the rental term, please contact us for washing instructions. Water carriers should be rinsed with fresh water and air-dried immediately after use in chlorinated or salt water.

7. Return Procedure

You will receive an email reminder when your rental term has ended. On the last day of your rental, please package the baby carrier, including all pieces and accessories such as chest straps and extra inserts. The carrier should be packed into the vinyl storage bag it came in and shipped with the packaging and return label provided. Use the prepaid shipping label to mail your package at any USPS drop-off location.

8. Late Fees

A late fee will be applied if your package has not been mailed by the day after your rental term ends.

9. Damage and Loss

In the event that the carrier is damaged or lost while in your possession, please contact us immediately. Repair costs will be assessed upon the return of the carrier to Timber Stitches and may be deducted from your deposit as needed. If the carrier is lost, you may be responsible for the full replacement cost of the carrier.

10. Cancellation and Refund Policy

Rentals cannot be canceled or refunded after the carrier has been shipped from our location. There will be no refunds given for returning a carrier earlier than the rental term selected.

11. Liability

The Renter releases the Rental Company from all liability for accidents or injury while renting the baby carrier. The Renter accepts responsibility for using the carrier in accordance with the manufacturer's safety instructions and usage recommendations.

12. Agreement

By selecting the box to agree to this contract on our online rental platform, the Renter acknowledges and agrees to all terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement. This digital acceptance serves as the Renter’s electronic signature and is legally binding.